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Here you can find unique TEA Publications available for FREE!
THEA Awards and Annual Directory for 2008, 2007
TEA Market Sector Briefing Series
- Architecture and Placemaking
Have you ever wondered what the world of experience design looks like from the architects' point of view? TEA's Strategic Branding and Marketing Committee pondered that question as they discussed the changes taking place in the Themed Entertainment Industry. They wanted to confirm which market sectors might benefit from the enormous talent pool within TEA.
TEA Publications
- 2009 TEA/AECOM Report (formerly ERA)
- 2008 TEA/ERA Attendance Report
- 2007 TEA/ERA Attendance Report
- TEA's Project Development Guidelines (PDF file 7.5 MB) provide best practices involved with the creation of experience design and themed entertainment projects. Each step of the process is discussed, along with the specific roles of key players. While specific to themed entertainment projects, the TEA's PDG provides valuable direction and insight into how to approach, organize and manage any complex, story-based experiential project. A must have for students and producers alike!
- TEA's Project Model Credits Guideline (PDF file) lists the wide range of specialists involved with experience design and themed entertainment projects. Useful for helping to identify key roles and how they work within the overall project environment. Great for credits lists!
 | 15th Annual Thea Awards Program and Publication 2009 To request a free copy, please send e-mail to [email protected]
 | 15th Annual Thea Awards Program and Publication 2009 To request a free copy, please send e-mail to [email protected]
- International Business Landscape As Visualizations Gradually Become Brick and Mortar: What Will Spell Genuine Success in Dubai? By Charles Read
Major International Amusement Park Chains, by Tracy Kahaner
Beijing's Greatest Show On Earth, Sarah Rushton-Read
China Re-invents the Mega-Event, by Gordon Linden
- Trends in Venues & Design
Creating Sustainable Attractions, by Scott Mallwitz
The Participation Culture, by George Wiktor
- Educational Sector
Reviving The Past, by Eliav Nahlieli
The Exhibit That Cares That you're There, by John Beckman
Digital Dome-ocracy, by Bayley Sillick
- The Team
Which Project Do You Prefer - The One With Or Without The Manager? By Thursby Pierce
Seven Steps To Technical Design Success, by Steve Thorburn
Between Theater And Themed Entertainment - The Influence Goes Both Ways, by David Barbour