Hey there everybody, this theme is called Collecto and it’s a simple, minimalistic WordPress blog theme that’s a perfect portal for your high quality WordPress magazine. Simple layout, user-friendly features, minimalist design, that’s a lot of what you need to create an amazing website.
Single pages are made to impress. Your featured image and post title are diplayed first. When people scroll down to read your opinion piece, the side columns on the left – author name and bio – and the right – previous and next posts – follow them.If you want a website with a modern, contemporary style, Collecto does the trick. This minimalist portfolio theme for WordPress is the perfect combination of simple and elegant, modern and timeless classic.
Onanma. This website really takes advantage of the simple look, the elegant layout and the crystal clear typography that Collecto offers. The opening image is strong and I really love the masonry grid layout that shows after you begin to scroll down the page. It’s a nice effect and it perfectly shows off your content, making navigation incredibly visual and fun.
Another theme that uses Collecto is MonachopsisMag. This is an online ‘zine, and they’re constantly accepting submissions for upcoming magazines. The use of Collecto really makes sense, it helps form a professional, user-friendly magazine for any purpose. In general, the layout if very similar to the Onanma magazine above.
And finally, there’s VincentEska, another great looking theme that uses a fullscreen image to give their homepage a different look than some others using Themes Kingdom’s Collecto theme.
There’s not much there just yet, but I’m sure Vincent is going to have something incredible to look at very soon. For more photograper’s portfolio themes, try our collection.